Cover the Uncovered
Millions of people in Pakistan are living a life of misery due to poverty, homelessness, inflation and pandemic of corona has added to their despair. There are many people who are striving to acquire basic needs of their life. As per the statistics by UNDP and IMF about 40 percent of Pakistanis are living below the poverty line and are deprived of the vital requirements of food, shelter, safety and health facilities. We may not be able to change life of many but we can make a difference to some by helping them even in our limited resources.
I have been thinking about this for years how our small acts of kindness and charity can make huge differences in the lives of deprived and needy people. So the topic that I have selected for my mega project is basically a social welfare project and a charity campaign. The theme and the basic idea is to collect items of basic daily use and donate them to needy people. It is an attempt to take blessings from haves to the have nots. The slogan of project is “cover the uncovered”
Importance of charity in Islam and our life
I got the inspiration of this project from learning about the importance of charity in Islam. As I have observed that ALLAH has made Islam a religion of humanity, compassion, care and serving others through acts of kindness, charity, generosity and societal well-being. The importance of helping others in Islam can be clearly seen by observing how ALLAH has made it the source to get His acceptance in Quran. Life of prophet SAW and sualiheen are full of inspiration how they served other even in the difficult times. There are immense number of Quranic verses and Ahadith of Prophet PBUH about charity and facilitating the deprived ones.
It has been regarded as obligatory as well as the most “Ahsan” deeds for a Muslim to feed the poor, to give them clothes to cover, and do other acts of charity and kindness in order to get acceptance from ALLAH. The rewards of these acts are not limited to the blessings of this world only but they are even going to be the source of getting acceptance and rewards from ALLAH on the day of judgement and in Jannah.
ALLAH has declared charity and sadaqah to be source of His forgiveness, acceptance and has promised special protocol for those who facilitate His creation. The Prophet SAWW said: “The believer’s will have the shade of their charity on the Day of Resurrection (when there will be no shade).” (Al-Tirmidhi)
ALLAH has affirmed that the one who will donate for ALLAH will get countless in return. So being a Muslim and a human we need to recognize the importance of charity and its powerful impacts in our society. So I have opted a topic that will benefit me and others in this life and in our eternal life also.
Basic idea of “Cover the uncovered”
We will collect the items of basic needs from people who are from privileged class and donate them to the deprived and needy. Contemporarily winter season is on its peak so one of the most crucial needs is warm clothes and accessories which can help people to keep them warm and protected from cold. As charity begins from home so we will start from ourselves by bringing items for donation from our families. The basic target is to collect 500 items from 100 families in two months. For this we also collaborate with other welfare organizations. The items may be listed as follows:
· Warm clothes
· Blankets
· Gloves and socks
· Shawls and shoes
The members of our group can use their social circles to identify people who need help and those who can help others. We will use media to promote our cause and get as maximum as possible donations and support from people. Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram will be used as source to get reach to people for this charity project. We will ensure provision of these items to needy people including our house helpers, to the people at old age homes and Orphanages.