5 Random Acts of Kindness
So having task to do acts of kindness made my mind think so beautifully today…
My day started by thinking about what simple but valuable acts of kindness I can do today.
So one thing that came into my mind was saying of Bennett that
“A random act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact on someone else’s life”.
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind”, Henry James
1- Take Care of Sparrows
I have Australian parrots at my home… Usually I don’t get time to look after them due to my busy schedule… So today thinking about kindness for birds I went to them and noticed that there’s some kind of waste in their cage so I cleaned their cage, tried to communicate with them and fed them.
2- Cooked Soup for Brother
I tried to express my kindness towards my sibling by helping him in his illness to get fresh cooked soup to give him relief
3- Trying to reduce work load from my Father
My father is such a hard-working man who keeps on working for his professional duties round the clock today I managed my time to especially help him to get some stock from market in order to reduce his burden of responsibilities and give him relaxation to take some rest.
4- Helps the Old Man
I also tried to express some kindness with an unknown stranger at the road who was selling some stuff in such cold weather for his family, although I didn’t need that stuff but just with an intension to help him and his family I purchased those items from him.
5- Bring Oranges for My Mother
As per the command of ALLAH kareem the most deserving people for our kindness are our parents. So I tried to bring some favorite fruits for my mother in order to see her smiling with my kind gesture that we as her kids value her untiring efforts for us.
At the end of my Blog, I just want to share another quote.
“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people”.
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart